Sharpening my inner voice. In the beginning of this year, my style was mellow. I experimented a lot behind the scenes. I was clearly listening to my lizard brain and didn’t ship a lot of my (visual) work, because I thought it wasn’t good enough. I was avoiding going all the way to the edge, hiding in a boring-ass SAFE corner and playing things semi-safe. Boo !
When I finally came to my senses in october or so, with the help of a terrific encourager (you know yourself. Hope you see this and dash me money) I swallowed some “What the hell” – pills and jumped right into my ocean of epicness. My writing became more authentic and in some parts offensive, because I was fully sharing my mind without doing any
CENSORING. And that meant over-the-top strange language, hefty opinions. Booya! In other words; kobogist was born!
Lesson. Safety first – this slogan doesn’t deserve to be in the online space. You’re not going to experience a harmful digital car crash so there’s no point of using your seat belts. Go full throttle and don’t worry about crashing – the worst that can happen to you is that people ignore you online. Bah. You can handle that, right ? (I said to myself)
Connecting with some awesome movers-and-shakers. I have talked to some pretty kick-ass digital crusaders and terrific people this year, both offline and in the REAL world. In fact, I made it a deliberate effort to connect with online influences every week. I always talk about making connections, because your network is the security of your future.
Lesson: biko don’t play Rambo and try to take the world all by yourself. You’re going to fail so hard it’s not even funny. Mingle with the mavericks. You will gain so much attention and value by connecting with like-minded creators, it will advance your (and their) career so fast Angels will fall jealously from the cloud. Help each other and rocket-fly your influence.
What 2015 will bring;
Oh 2015! I’m going to grill it’s green ass Lol...The stories you can tell and the ones told about you at the end of the day is what life is about, and I’ve made it my goal to create as many stories as I can.
Starting with January I’m going to post more frequently (God help me). I will include a lot of cartoons and even little cartoon stories about living and working on your own terms, infusing some edgy brand/marketing visuals into the mix.
This blog is going to be a hybrid between stunning graphics and edgy edu-taining content. I’ll build a kick-ass online gallery and move my site one step closer to the global entertainment brand I’ve always envisioned.
I wish you a glorious shiny new start into 2015. We’re going to rock the new year so hard the titans are going to drop their yellowed pants. Thank you kobogisters! Kisses.