Answered prayers! Or what?
I still remember the time I prayed for what I now have!
I was not the only one with prayer points. My younger brother needed an AC badly in the house and he always prayed for it on Sundays just like he prayed for Dad to get a washing machine.
His prayer got answered. Dad ordered an AC from Konga at a very cheap price. To top his blessings It was a giant AC meant for huge halls and event centers! Hmmm! Our parlor was almost too small for it but one can't joke with answered prayers. We got it installed and we prayed that NEPA would give us light.
We waited and waited for weeks but NEPA didn't budge and the damned AC just stood there occupying space. But it was an answer to Ovo's prayers!
And on that fateful night; UP NEPA!!!! We launched our AC and went to bed earlier than usual. We both slept in the parlor of course. It got a bit cold like an hour later so I got up for my favourite wrapper; the one I got from mum who in turn inherited from grandma. I also looked around for the remote control to my brother's giant answered prayer and didn't see it? Then I thought, DID I EVER? Ermmmm.....?!
"Ovo! Ovo!!", I called to wake him up. He didn't budge and I wasn't surprised. He usually "dies" every night. I was so sleepy and couldn't afford to stand anymore. I let the unfound remote be and lay back in bed.
I woke up slowly feeling like someone had placed a load of blocks on my chest. I just could not move. What sort of witchcraft was this? I was alive but kinda dead. I could move in my mind but not physically. I blinked (thank God! At least my eyelids could move), just as my brother's eyes blinked open too. We stared at each other like long lost lovers (without the urge to jump each other's bones, of course). It then dawned on me that this was the effect of his giant answered prayers. I pulled the wrapper higher to cover my whole body leaving only my eyes but the thin wrapper was no match to the cold.
We both lay there hoping the AC would miraculously spoil. Ovo tried to say something but no word came out of his mouth. He rolled his eyes to the left which I interpreted as "Babe, let's share your wrapper". I would have vehemently refused but the cold didn't let me. I resorted to slightly shaking my head. He pleaded with his eyes, yet I refused. He rolled his eye balls this time to the right and I wondered what that meant!
Our bodies shook like leaves during harmattan. Just when I thought I would give up the ghost, NEPA "took their light"! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
When the cold in the room had cleared a bit...
..."Babe, why you wicked like this? I begged you to put that AC off but you refused. We could have died of cold," He said with the most serious look.
"Ah ah!" I replied. "When did you say that?"
"This morning!" he answered. (Huh? When did he talk?) "I told you with my eyes to help turn off the winter in our room. Can't you read signs? Must I talk?"
Well, I did read. I only read wrong. (I too had my grievances) Besides what happened to your own legs?
"Guy, where's the remote control for this AC?" I asked
"It doesn't have!" He replied.
"Na okirika AC daddy buy?" I asked annoyingly. He was too upset to answer me.
Till the day it was sold, Ovo's answered prayer was never put on and of course, his prayer point changed!
Based on a true life story. Lol